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Holy Family Parish School

Student Support


Holy Family Parish School recognizes students as individual learners and that as such they have varied academic and social-emotional needs. Our entire staff is committed to fully supporting each student towards their personal maximum growth in all areas and celebrating each milestone, major or minor, together.

The Student Support Program at HFK is dedicated to the academic, social-emotional, and behavioral development of all HFK students through:

  • Academic and behavior support planning
  • Individual and small group social-emotional guidance and support
  • Classroom guidance

Student support begins in our classrooms. Our teachers are trained in how to best support students academically, social-emotionally (SEL), and behaviorally. In addition, they provide both small group and individual enrichment to the curriculum as needed. Their immediate partners in this are the HFK reading specialists, math specialist, learning specialist, and science lead. Together, they work in and out of the classroom to assess both students and curriculum, taking into consideration the unique and diverse needs and personal goals of each student.

The HFK Student Support Team is composed of the principal, the learning specialist, the reading specialist, and the school counselor. Together, this multidisciplinary team works in tandem with parents, and sometimes outside professionals, to design individual interventions for students with special needs and to support teachers in how these interventions can be best implemented.

Sometimes, an additional formal plan of support is needed. In these cases, the Inclusion Team works together to develop an EAP that outlines the support that will best meet the student’s needs in order to maximize his or her potential and ensure that learning is a positive and growth experience.

SEL Program
HFK utilizes a school-wide SEL (social-emotional learning) program called Second Step. This program is integrated into school life, and each classroom has a dedicated SEL class each week. SEL is very important in forming the education of the whole person at HFK. Our program focuses on developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are crucial for school, work, and life success. Students with strong social-emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially. The SEL program addresses how to accomplish these goals through developmentally appropriate lessons and games for each grade level taught by teachers or the school counselor. When students are better equipped to manage their emotions, form healthy relationships, make good decisions, and cope with everyday social and academic challenges, they’re better equipped to learn…and they’re happier!