Since 1957, HFK has been a recognized leader in academic excellence. A strong testimony to the quality of education at Holy Family Parish School is the academic success of our students in both their high school and college careers. From our student-led morning prayer over the intercom to our greenhouse with its student-created hydroponic system to our multiple student-inspired service and leadership projects, we strive to create a sense of community and intellectual excellence that is unsurpassed.
Catholic education at HFK makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, our parish, our community, and the world.
As our students like to exclaim: “Have a great day at HFK!”
Message from our principal
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Holy Family Parish School! Educating students since 1957, when Holy Family Parish opened the school under the direction of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Thomas Aquinas. HFK is a place rich in tradition and dedicated to faith and family. At the forefront of the sisters’ ministry was their broad purpose of freeing hearts and minds for the truth of the gospel. Holy Family Parish School today offers an inclusive, supportive and stimulating educational community, respecting the dignity of all through awareness of and response to the needs of our local and global environment. With the help of faculty, staff, clergy, parishioners, and parents, Holy Family students grow as learners in God’s love.
Holy Family Parish School is a Catholic school that serves the spiritual and educational needs of students in preschool through 8th grade. Our mission is to inspire, educate and prepare our students for a Christ-centered life of learning, faith and service. Our students embark on a rigorous values-based academic journey that includes core academic subjects as well as STEM, Spanish, Music, Art, Speech, Theater Arts, and Physical Education. Partnering with parents, we build a strong foundation that enriches the lives of our students far past their time at Holy Family Parish School and prepares them well for the rigors of high school, college and beyond.
We take pride in our academic excellence and student achievements. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing the highest quality Catholic education for each student guiding them in their social, emotional and academic growth. Our learning support team provides an additional layer of support helping each individual student to achieve their boundless potential. Combining deep-rooted traditions and current best instructional practices, we are dedicated to equipping children with the tools necessary to be successful in a changing and challenging world. This results in individuals who are Faithful Catholics, Life-Long Learners and Globally Aware Citizens.
Holy Family Parish School guides students through immersion in Gospel values. From weekly Mass attendance and participation in the sacraments to service and leadership projects, our students learn to cherish and live their faith today and always.
At Holy Family Parish School we say, “It’s a great day at HFK!” I invite you to explore our website and plan a visit to our school to learn more about what makes HFK truly special.
In gratitude,
Susan Webster